I am focused in the physical processes driving long term changes in the upwelling, the physical processes driving the poleward flow associated to eastern boundaries, and the long-term variability of the subtropical ocean.
During 2018, continued the cooling and freshening that begin in 2015; 2014 was the saltier and warmest year in the record for the NACW waters. The average values in the 200-800dbar layer is similar to those found at the beginning of the 2000s.
Leer masCiclo estacional de la temperatura superficial del océano al norte de Canarias. La linea gris oscura corresponde al promedio en el periodo 1982-2016, el sombreado gris a dos desviaciones estandart, y las lineas de colores a los últimos cuatro años. Aquí se puede encontrar informacion adicional SST.
Seasonal cycle of the SST at 29ºN in the Canary basin. The thick dark grey line is mean value in the period 1982-2017, the grey shade is two standard deviations, and the coloured lines are the last four years. Here you may find additional inforamtion SST.
Leer masSchematic diagram of the mass transport during the fall and spring in the Canary Basins for (a) the Surface Waters and NACW and (b) the intermediate waters. For reference, the main topographic and geographical features referred to in the text are indicated.
Selected Argo floats trajectories. The different coloured arrows represent individual selected trajectories, while grey arrows represent the trajectories of all Argo floats in the area. The parking depth of the floats was 1000dbar
Vertical zonal sections, on pressure surfaces, of potential temperature differences at 24.5N in the Atlantic Ocean between the oceanographic sections carried out during (a) 1998-1957 (i.e., between 1957 and 1998), (b) 2004-1957, (c) 2004-1998, (d) 2006 (Argo)-1957, and (e) 2006 (Argo)-1998. The gray lines at 23W and 70W bound the longitude range where the Atlantic was effectively sampled at 24.5N during the five occupations. Positive values indicate warming. This convention has been used throughout the text, subtracting the older temperature section from the most recent one when computations refer to time periods. The same color scale has been used for the five panels
Drifter tracks in the ZMES (Zona Maritima Especial Sensibilidad) of the Canary Islands
During 2018, the upwelling of the CCLME continues to strengthen, although 2015 was still the coolest and fresher year in the record for the upwelling influenced surface waters.
Leer masAnomalia de la temperatura superficial del océano al norte de Canarias. La anomalia se calcula como la temperatura del día menos el promedio de temperatura de ese día durante el periodo 1982-2016.
Anomaly of the sea surface temperature north of the Canary Islands. The anomaly is calculated as the temperature of one day less the average temperature of that day during the period 1982-2016.
Leer masComposite of (a) spring and (b) fall MADT and geostrophic velocity in the Canary basin. The period for fall and spring has been selected to be representative of the flow.
(a) Sea surface trends (°C decade-1) computed from NOAA high-resolution (1/4°) blended analysis of Daily SST for the 1982–2013 period. (b) as (a) but for the summer (June, July and August, JJA) months, (c) as (a) but for the winter (January, February and March, JFM). The dashed grey line denote the three upwelling areas: the weak annual upwelling zone (26°N-35°N), the permanent annual upwelling zone (21°N-26°N) and the Mauritania-Senegalese upwelling zone (12°N -20°N). The thin solid grey lines correspond to the isotherms (18°C, 20°C, 22°C, 24°C and 26°C) of the mean field for each season.
Drifter tracks classified by intrusion type (see main text for definitions). (a) Large intrusions (dark gray) and large intrusions that end up on the ECS shelf (gray). (b) Small intrusions (dark gray) and small intrusions that end up on the ECS shelf (gray). (c) Trajectories of drifters trapped or recirculating northeast of Taiwan (the tracks of the drifters deployed in the SCS are plotted in gray). For each type one drifter track has been marked in black. (d) Tracks of the remaining drifters not included in a, b or c. Drifters deployed on the ECS shelf are not included in this diagram. The tracks of drifters crossing the ETC within the Kuroshio up to the Tokara Strait are marked in black and the other tracks are plotted in gray. In the four panels, the light gray lines mark the 200-m isobaths and the axis of the Mien Hwa (MHC) and North Mien Hwa (NMHC) canyons are indicated with a dashed light gray line
Probabilistic analysis of the oil spill areas based on the Drifter tracks in the ZMES (Zona Maritima Especial Sensibilidad).