Physical Oceanographer


My research interest is the study of physical processes within the ocean. I am mostly interested in eastern boundary current processes and coastal upwelling, and how the subtropical gyre interacts with the eastern boundary. Right now, I am focused in the physical processes driving long term changes in the upwelling, the physical processes driving the poleward flow associated to eastern boundaries, and the long- term variability of the subtropical ocean. My approach is observational, using data either from global ocean observing systems, scientific research vessels or innovative sampling techniques as gliders. I couple the observational data with modelling and analysis to explain fundamental physical processes.

As part of my interest in observational oceanography, I have been running an observational program to monitor long term changes in the Canary basin during the last 10 years. This program, Raprocan (Deep hydrographic section around the Canary Islands), was stablished to understand the the scales of variability in the range decadal/subdecadal of the subtropical gyre, specifically in its eastern margin. The program consist of a 10 day cruise, twice a year, around the Canary Islands, sampling the Costal Transition Zone, from the upwelling off northwest Africa to the open ocean waters of the subtropical gyre, since 1997.

Regarding global scale observations, I am coordinating Argo Spain, the Spanish contribution to the international program Argo, a worldwide in situ global observing system based on autonomous profiling floats. Its objective is to provide a significant and sustained Spanish contribution to the global ocean monitoring, and includes observations of temperature, salinity, currents and other water mass properties. It is primarily focused on the Atlantic and the Western Mediterranean, in support of the spanish marine research community, but taking into account the global needs of the Argo Program.

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Current professional situation

Research Professor. Spanish Institute of Oceanography (Instituto Español de Oceanografía; IEO). Tenure position.

Previous positions and activities

2018-2021 Associate Professor, Spanish Institute of Oceanographic, Spain.
2012-2017 Assistant Professor, Spanish Institute of Oceanographic, Spain.
2014 Guest Investigator , Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA. Short term stay.
2013 Guest Investigator , Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA. Short term stay.
2010-2012 Marie Curie Fellow, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University California San Diego, USA.
2006-2010 Assistant Professor, Spanish Institute of Oceanographic, Spain.
1999-2006 Research Specialist, Spanish Institute of Oceanographic, Spain.


PhD, University de Las Islas Baleares (Spain), 2006. Physical Oceanography.
MSc, University de Las Islas Baleares (Spain), 2001, Physical Oceanography.
MSc, BSc University de La Laguna (Spain), 1995, Physics.